Private room ★ Commercial-Broadway station ★ Female only



Location : V5N2C7, Canada

Rent includes utilities and Wi-Fi. Deposit: $300
Our house is a 10-minute walk to Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain station (1 Zone).
Furnished bedroom has a bed, desk, chair, bookcase, closet and a window.
*Shared kitchen, bathroom, living room, washer and dryer.
*3-minute walk to #20 and #22 bus stops.
*10-minute walk to #99 B-Line bus stop.
No smoking and no pets please.
Virtual tour of room:
1. If you bring guests, please bring female guests only.
2. Please shower before midnight.
Please contact us for further details.



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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