
Location : Vancouver, BC, Canada

Reiki is a beautiful and powerful healing practice I first met with 3 years ago. It was something I was unsure I believed in but just after one session I could feel the relaxation, joy and healing it brought into my life. I instant fell Inlove with it. It has helped me in so many ways and continues to do So today. I’m now a reiki practitioner and enjoy brining the same healing into people’s lives daily. Distant reiki I have found to be just as effective and beautiful as an in person session. I like to have my sessions at this rate late just over 30 minutes set for each client. The first bit we will call and discuss goals and issues you want to work on for that session, along with a guided meditation to set your mood. Then I will use reiki symbols, crystals and other methods to send you the energy and balance yourself. At the moment I am charging $10 for a session, if you feel the desire to contact me! Our first session I will set some extra time to discuss in more detail and to answer any of your questions. I am so excited to work with you and bring this gift to others lives.



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