Vintage Chalet Canada Art Glass Bowl



Location : Coquitlam, BC V3B4T1

    More Info        Vintage, Antiques


Vintage Chalet Canada Art Glass Bowl

Available is a beautiful vintage signed art glass bowl, made in Canada by the famed artisans at Chalet Glass. Chalet Canada operated in Cornwall, Ontario from 1962 to 1975.

The bowl is gorgeous golden honey yellow. Looks fabulous in the sunlight!

The design starts as a swirl around the base, opening up into four lobes which are separated by indentations where the edge of the glass has been folded back in toward the centre. Heaven forbid but could have been designed to be used as an elegant ashtray!

Measures 6-3/8″ square at the top and 8″ across the top on the diagonal. It weighs 2.9 lbs.

The “Chalet Canada” mark is clearly etched into the bottom. The piece is in excellent condition with only one small scratch on the bottom above the Chalet mark which can be seen in photo.

Asking $65 OBO.



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