Vintage: 52 Piece China Set – Woods Ivory Ware England



Location : North Vancouver, BC V7M3L2, Canada

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This BEAUTIFUL Wood’s Ivory Ware china set is in great condition with only minor degrees of grazing and a few chips on the bottom. The rim of all these pieces is adorned in a golden coloured pattern with a lovely triangle geometric pattern on the inside of the rim.

Included in this set is:

7x Plates 10″ (3 Have Minor Chips on the bottom)
7x Fruit Nappies 5″
8x Soup Bowls 9″ (5 have a bit of crazing, varying degrees)
6x Bread/Salad Plater 8″
6x Cups + Saucers (Note: There is one extra saucer)
1x Cream
1x Sugar Bowl
1x Casserole Dish with Lid
1x Garvey Boat + Stand
3x Serving Platters 10.5″ / 12″ / 14″
2x Bonus Plates 6″

A very amazing set with only minor grazing / chips considering its age! Perfect for your next family gathering!



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