Unique Horse Boarding – how about camping with your horse? 3



Location : Fraser Valley F, BC V2V 0B8

We have 1 space left.
We offer a small friendly atmosphere within a 10 acre picturesque environment for you and your horse. There are accommodations for up to 7 horses.
    3 Outdoor paddocks (50’ X 50’) complete with shelters
    Our property has extensive drainage – it is built for horses
    3 Indoor spots each with an adjoining and fenced outdoor space (18’X18’)
* 3 individual pastures
* On-site storage
* Additional services available
* Brand new large outdoor riding ring
* Horses love it here



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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