Relationship Workshop – earn $50! (SFU)


Location : University Drive East, Burnaby, BC

Do you want to learn how to have a healthy romance in the modern world?

Then participate in the Relationship Workshop Study!

Complete four surveys over six months and receive $50!

Call (778) 782-7155 or reply to this advertisement.

Learn how to have a healthy romance in the modern world by participating in a study with the Couples Lab.

What is the goal of the study?

To learn whether people who participate in a relationship workshop have different relational and individual experiences over six months compared to people who have not participated in a relationship education program.

What will I be asked to do if I volunteer?

You will complete four surveys over the course of six months and participate in a relationship workshop via Zoom. Receive up to $50 for participation!

Who is eligible for the study?

Individuals 17-29 years old who are currently in a romantic relationship of at least three months and who read and write English fluently.

How do I find out more?

Contact us at or (778) 782-7155

Upcoming workshops:
June 29th and July 6th from 12-3pm
July 23rd and 30th from 10 am to 1pm



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