Rehoming dwarf bunny (rabbit) including all stuffs



Location : Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1C3

We are looking for bunnies rehoming.
I live with them 2month but my boy has allergy with timothy hay so we have to let them go.
My offering:
Each bunny Adoption fee $200 includes cage ($130 values) water bottles, litter box, some paper litter and foods (with Timothy hay)
; you do not need buy some for them all stuffs here
Netherland dwarf
1. Broken white (Tosil), female, 3month old
2. Black (Toto), male, 5month old
Netherland dutch
3. Orange (Tomi), female, 4month old
They are available now for rehoming also they are very sweet, friendly, fluffy and very affectionate and socialized as well as raised with kids.
Please text me anytime do not heisted if you are interested all of them.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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