PET ONLY call duck drakes



Location : Surrey, BC V4N 4B8, Canada

Hi! I’m looking to rehome 3 of my call duck drakes. I love them dearly, but they are not getting along with my others. I have tried everything I can and all I can do is seperate them at this point. So I will be looking for the best home possible for them.

Call ducks are adorable, small ducks. They are people friendly, will tolerate being held and are a joy to add to your small farm or backyard flock.

I will be asking you questions to make sure they go to a good home. They are for pets/breeding/show purposes only! I want them to go to a home where they will be loved.

The first one must go on his own or kept seperate from the other two as he does not get along with them.

The second and third can go together, they get along well. Though they can also be separated, I would prefer if they go together.

All 3 were born in spring last year, so they just turned a year old. I hatched them all myself from my own duck eggs.

Asking $20 each for the ducks in the 1st and 3rd photo

$40 for the duck with the green head in the 2nd photo. He won second place at a fair last fall, would be a good starter for a breeding project.

I can accept EMT, paypal or cash. Basic social distancing will be respected:)

Located in Surrey. You pick up, and have a box ready.

Message/email only, no phone



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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