Magnificent master suite available in Private Home


Location : 5995 Gibbons Dr, Richmond, BC V7C 2C6, Canada

Very large fully furnished master suite with double bathroom including walk up queen sized bathtub with separate shower stall, Queen 4 poster bed, two dressers, computer desk, table and chairs, bar fridge, TV, microwave, plus large walk in closet. Private suite and share the house. No damage deposit required and all utilities included including internet/wifi, TV. Full use of common areas. To die for kitchen. Living room, family room, full laundry room, and some storage in garage. Off street parking. Public transport only seconds away. Terra Nova Mall one block away. Five minute walk to dyke and the walk and cycle path on the Fraser river. Close to schools and parks. Available September 1, 2020. A must see at $ 1100/M.
Call Bill at 778-223-5951 or email at



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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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