Looking for men for PAID research study -volunteer


Location : Vancouver, BC V5Z 2Z1

We are looking for men who experience problems with sexual desire, and their partners, to participate in research about couples’ romantic and sexual relationships.

To be eligible to participate, both partners must agree and:

• Be in a committed romantic relationship together for at least 6 months
• See each other in-person at least 4 times a week
• Be 18 years or older
• Have previous sexual experience
• Reside in Canada or the United States
• Be able to read and understand English

*This study aims to be inclusive to individuals of all gender identities, bodies, and orientations. *Additional eligibility criteria may apply.

Men who are interested in participating will be asked to fill out an online screening questionnaire to determine eligibility. If eligible, then we will send both you and your partner a survey by email, which can be completed online and should take 60-75 minutes to complete.

As a thank you for completing the survey, both you and your partner will EACH receive a $18CDN (or $15 USD) Amazon gift card when you submit the survey. We will also provide you with some online resources regarding low sexual desire and arousal in relationships and how to seek help if you wish.

If you are interested in participating or would like to learn more, please email couplesdesirestudy@dal.ca or visit natalieorosen.com/mens-desire



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