KN95 FFP2 with CE and FDA



Location : 132 Woodstream Blvd, Woodbridge, ON L4L 7Y3, Canada

Top quality KN95 non-medical face mask. FFP2 certified with CE and FDA certificates.
20 individually packed masks per box.
1 to 9 boxes $1.50/mask = $30/box
10 to 35 boxes $1.40/mask = $28.00/box
36+ boxes Only $1.30/mask = $26.00/box

We also have high quality 3-ply disposable masks with CE and FDA certificate
Boxes of 50 (5 bags of 10 inside box)
1 to 9 boxes only $15.00/box
10 to 39 boxes only $14.00/box
40+ boxes only $13.00/box

Pick up in Woodbridge or we can ship anywhere in Canada

Cash, Debit or Credit Cards



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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