#KijijiGaming Hot Buys: Far Cry 2 video game for PS3 – $15



Location : Vancouver, BC V5V1S7

Wow! For Sale: Far Cry 2 video game fo Playstation 3. Brand new. Unopened still in plastic wrap. It delivers the most realistic destructible environments, amazing special effects such as dynamic fire propagation and storm effects, real-time night-and-day cycle, dynamic music system, non-scripted enemy A.I. and so much more. . .. Real-time story telling, systemic auto-healing, minimal in-game interface are just few of the features that will make you feel the tension of being alone against barbarous warlords that threaten thousands of innocent lives. Open- word gameplay gives you total freedom. Infinite multiplayer maps. A captivating story. The revolutionary FPS. Rated Mature for adults 17+. More info at esrb.org. Red hot savings. I am selling it for just only $15. No tax. Save $$$. Call 604-220-9811. No texting plx. Act now. Hot, hot, hot special



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