Horse boarding Full or Self Maple Ridge


Location : Maple Ridge, BC V2X7T3

Large 25 acre facility close to town and horse trails, access to Allouette river. Large 12 by 12 stalls, sand round pen, dry sand paddocks, panel fencing, daily turn in and out, 3 meals a day, large hay storage in hay loft, perimeter panel fencing with electric fence field dividers, English and Western lessons with qualified instructor. We do cattle drives to the interior ,spring and fall if you would like to join us. I also show cutting horses if you would like to learn this exciting sport or just come and enjoy. Full or self board available. Affordable rates.Google map a bit out dated with address but correct location. Actual address is 21771 which is posted on sign on entrance Info…Home 604 467 2573 Cell 202 0860



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