Handyman – jack of all trades


Location : west end, Canada

I have a general knowledge of home appliances, plumbing, electrical, concrete, drywall, paint, flooring…
the list goes on.
If your in need of a fix for a leaky toilet, tap, hose bib, dishwasher.
Maybe need to do a patch job on some concrete or drywall.
Maybe need some light fixtures switched out/replaced.
Then I might just be the guy for you.
The incentive here for you is this.
I would be an absolute fraction of the cost in comparison to a company you may know or have heard of.
I wouldn’t be charging you for just simply showing up at your door.
I would make sure the job was done right!
Message me with whatever home ailment you may have and we can talk about it 🙂



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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