Grey sectional/couch set, really great quality! OBO



Location : Cornerstone Mews, Burnaby, BC

This totally transformative sectional/couch set, 4 pieces total, is really great; all four pieces fold up or down, making it super easy to utilize your space, have people sleep over without the hassle of a sofa bed, etc. Bought from Costco 2 years ago for $1200, easily worth $1500 or more when I bought it.

Condition is really good, only some very slight discolouring as you can see in the photos, and was just professionally cleaned. Super comfy, really easy to make any room perfect!

Open to (reasonable) offers, just text me and let me know!



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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