DIY Pet Playpen with Adjustable Size and Shape


Location : Richmond, BC V7E 3S5

DIy Pet playpen, suitable for dogs/cats/other pet.
Made with HDPE plastic, eco-friendly material.
Easy assembly, adjustable size and shape, suitable for all rooms.

3 sizes available: small, medium, large
#size:height x length x width
Small: 25″x45″x45″ (63cm x 114cm x 114cm), white, 10 panels + 1 door, $125
Medium: 30″x48″x48″ (76cm x 122cm x 122cm), blue and white, 10 panels + 1 door, $180
Large: 35″x83″x55″ (90cm x 210cm x 140cm), white, 9 panels + 1 door, $325
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