English 10/20/30 Social 10/20/30 Tutoring


Location : W 18th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada

My name is Andrew and I am a University of Calgary graduate who has been tutoring for a number of years! I offer a curriculum to help your student better understand the Alberta Education Curriculum and achieve greater learning!

Most of what i teach is based on a basic principal that all thinking regarding literature should be divided into two categories: The objective and the subjective. A reader must understand that what they read is meant for them, in an individual sense, but also meant for others too. I teach that it is important to learn to read as ourselves, but also important to try and read from many other points of view.

I have experience teaching students who:
– Are learning English as a second language.
-Have special educational needs.
-Are looking to boost their GPA.
-Just need a little push!

My rate is $40 an hour and we can meet at your home, or mine, or a third party location that makes us both happy.

I look forward to hearing from you!



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