Original Talisman Paperweight in Box – $30



Location : Langley, BC V3A

More InfoVintage, Antiques


Original Talisman Paperweight in Box – $30

 Newmarket

 “The Jockey Club”

 In original presentation box

 Hand made in England by Cotswold Rural Crafts

 Hand moulded English glass making each paperweight unique

 The tiny bubbles in the glass are referred to as “seed” and characteristic of hand moulded crystal and will vary from paperweight to paperweight.

 Paperweights should be protected from bright light to prevent fading

 Store in presentation box when possible

 In excellent condition

 Paperweight is 3-1/2” in diameter & ¾” thick

 Presentation box is 5” square & 1” high

 Paperweight & box weighs 11.4oz or .324kg



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