Tropical fish & 10G fish tank(aquarium) for sale


Location : Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Prices negotiable. Pick up at UBC.
Platy x 12($24)
Dwarf Gourami x 1($4)
Pink GloFish x 1($8)
German Blue Ram x 2($16)
Platinum Angelfish x 2($18)
10 Gallon Fish Tank ($55)
Assorted shells($5)
Bredding Boxes x 2($25)
Aquarium Decor (Brand new) x 2($15)
Buy All ($130, including free fish food, fish net, cones and another small fish tank)



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers