Wonderful Weeds (Online Webinar)



Location : 610 Pipeline Rd, Vancouver, BC

Have you ever stepped into your backyard or local park and thought, “What good are all these weeds?” Join us to explore the wonder of weeds with Indigenous herbalist and educator Lori Snyder. Lori will share her deep knowledge of wild, medicinal and edible plants including “weeds” like thistle, yarrow, chickweed, and yellow dock that grow in everyday spaces. Through these teachings, watch these often-unwanted plants take on a new life and offer a wealth of untapped nutritional and ecological resources.
Lori stewards a medicine wheel garden at the Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre. She is currently working with the David Suzuki Foundation as a Butterfly Ranger and consulting with both the foundation and the YWCA at Evelyn Crabtree on native plants and their importance in our ecological relationship with other living beings. She is the Artist in Residence at Hastings Community Centre for 2020, offering the teachings of plant wisdom through various art mediums.
Photo: Gerry Bates
*Tickets must be purchased in advance. Fees for this program are based on a sliding scale – you choose what you pay! Your contributions help us bring you more online programs like this one!
**Only one ticket required per household.
***If this event fills to capacity, members of Stanley Park Ecology Society will be given first priority to any tickets that open up due to cancellations.
Price: $5 SPES members / $10-20 non-members
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/wonderful-weeds-online-tickets-114596429004
More info: http://stanleyparkecology.ca/event/wonderful-weeds-online/
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.



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