UBC Wesbrook Village 2B2B+Den+Parking AVAILABLE NOW!



Location : Richmond, BC

1 year lease for whole apartment only, available NOW!
1 parking spot is included. Washer & Dryer, shower, bathtub, kitchen equipments in unit. Unfurnished.
Rent includes: HOA and parking. NOT include: utilities (hot water/cold water/gas; electricity).

Surrounding facilities: 5 minutes walk to Save On Foods market, Community Center with gym and study rooms, Shoppers Drug Mart, TD, RBC, Blenz Coffee, and so on. 1 minute walk to Transit: 41 , 43, 49, 70 , 480, 25, 33.

Nearby famous schools: the Norma Rose Point Elementary School, University Hill Secondary School,
St. George’s School, and West Point Grey Academy.

No smoking, no pets.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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