Swim Lessons-To your Local Pool -Fast Results!


Location : Burnaby, BC V5C 2G6

Swimming Lessons For All Types-Great Results. (Mobile Coach to all Greater Van areas )

With more than 3 decades of high level swimming, and 10 years of Swim coaching experience, I can almost guarantee you will get ahead with your swimming with each and every lesson
I have taught people from all walks of life. Those that fear water, toddlers, young adults, teens, and competitive swimmers as well.
I work in a fun and safe way to build your skills at a natural pace. I am mobile and come meet you at a pool near you.
Multi-sport coach/trainer, with strong Educational background in the field.
CPR-Fist Aid Certified
Junior, Varsity and Masters Swimmer

Rates are reasonable compared to quality and service :

40 min private- $30
1 hour private-$ 35
1.5 hour private-$50
2 hour private- $60

Package of 4/6/8 lessons – Reduced by %5/%7/%10

Group and semi privates also offered.

1st lesson Is a Try Out Lesson Reduced at 30 for an hour Private lesson.

Reach Me For Further Details : 604 816 3427 Marv



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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