Super High Quality Flowerhorns (all from thailand)


Location : Burnaby, BC V5H3Z7

we are from winnipeg MB but we ship all over Canada.
want to own a super nice flowerhorn? here is your chance. CJ flowerhorn imports these beautiful fishes straight from thailand. and not just that, these are carefully handpicked. we paid for them inividually and not by bulk. i would like to emphasize that these are not srd or those normal quality flowerhorns that you can buy from local fish store. NOT ALL flowerhorns are the same! if you are wanting to buy one, please do a careful research first so you wont think all flowerhorns are worth $150.
prices of what i have is between $350-$450 plus shipping of $120 if you are not from winnipeg MB.
checkout my facebook page CJ Flowerhorn and see what my customers say about the fishes i sell.
NO we dont sell srd, we dont sell females or frys.



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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