
Location : 5675 melbourne street, v5r4m1, vancouver, BC

We are a young respectable, happy family with two children 15 and 21.
Our home has a big living space, with large rooms, yard and balcony. It is located in a quiet, safe neighborhood, near many shops, over a dozen restaurants, the mall, grocery stores, parks, church, community centre and markets.
Bus stop #19
Downtown (30 seconds walk) – 30 to 45mins travel
Mall (2mins walk) – 10mins travel

Joyce skytrain station – 7 to 10 mins walk
Downtown – 12mins ride
Mall – 3mins ride

We would like to share our home with a friendly, enthusiastic, respectful kind individual.

If our home interests you please feel free to email us.



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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