
Location : Coquitlam, BC, Canada


European lady with cleaning experience, looking for residential homes to clean.

I provide regular, one time, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, move in/out cleaning and post construction cleaning service.

I provide all the supplies, unless you want me to use yours.

Regular cleaning includes:

-Washing sinks and backsplash

-Cleaning appliance exteriors

-Dusting all surfaces

-Cleaning window sills and windows tracks

-Wiping light switches

-Dusting and/or washing tables and chairs

-Vacuuming carpet and area rugs

-Vacuuming and damp-mopping hard surface floors

-Cleaning bathtub, shower walls and glass doors

-Toilet cleaning and sanitizing

Looking forward to hearing from you



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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