
Location : Langley, BC, Canada

What do people have in common, we all like to save money where we can! That’s where Barracuda Power comes in. With over 25 years exp in the trade, specializing in customer private lines, Agriculture/commercial/residential, combined with the passion for what we do, we can help you!

What we offer

•Overhead & Underground
•Poles installed/repaired/maintained
•Service upgrades
•Emergency repairs
•clearing of trees near line
•remote or road access
•Off-road Construction Projects
•Emergency Storm & Outage Restoration
•Meter poles
•Light poles

Give us a call @ 604-219-8433 or check us out at www.BarracudaPower.com

Thanks, hope to hear from you!



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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