
Location : Langley, BC V1M

Ostrich Breeders for Sale with a 5 year contract! This is a great business opportunity. Ostrich live to 75 years of age and breed up to 55 years of age. You can get 20 chicks per hen to market at a year old. Omega Ostrich will give you a contract to buy all you can produce for $3 a pound live weight. A yearling ostrich weighs about 200-250 pounds. Now is the time to get them and get them settled in so they start laying in the spring and you get full production. Please call Dave B. or Karen E. at 250-269-7447 or Dave’s cell at 778-212-9919. We would love to share all the details with you. We have a good slide show to explain in more detail. This industry is here and the demand is growing daily. Healthy red meat and amazing healing oil. In top 3 of agriculture businesses on the 2019 government of Canada website.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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