Old-Growth Forests (Online Webinar)



Location : 610 Pipeline Rd, Vancouver, BC

Climb into this webinar with Hannah Dyck-Chan, current SPES educator and past volunteer with the Ancient Forest Alliance, to discover old-growth forest ecology. Learn about common tree and plant species, what makes old-growth forests unique compared to second-growth forests, and why BC’s ancient forests need protecting.
Photo: Don Enright
*Tickets must be purchased in advance. Fees for this program are based on a sliding scale – you choose what you pay! Your contributions help us bring you more online programs like this one!
**Only one ticket required per household.
***If this event fills to capacity, members of Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) will be given first priority to any tickets that open up due to cancellations.
Price: $5 SPES members / $10-$20 non-members
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/old-growth-forests-online-tickets-114711902388
Time: Wednesday, August 26, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.



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