Office Space for 3 to 5! PREMIUM LOCATION



Location : 400 W Georgia St Vancouver Canada,Floors 1 through 9, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1Z3

Do you want a space for your entrepreneur and creative team? Do not hesitate, visit Spaces.
 Our offices for 3 or 5 people are the perfect place for team working and developing projects.
 Spaces Green Lamp is provided with a totally renewed spaces, excellent WiFi connection, bright workspace and a business community. Spaces centres are surrounded by restaurants and shops, making it a perfect zone to take a walk and have a break. Your new workspace is easily accessible with public transport. Subject to terms and conditions:
 The total space of 900sqft includes a private office of 150sqft for 3 or 4 people, with high-quality furniture, common areas such as the kitchen, multilingual receptionists and it is free to other taxes and costs such as water, electricity and community fees.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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