Native and Invasive Plants 101 (Online Webinar)



Location : 610 Pipeline Rd, Vancouver, BC

Ever wondered about the plants of Stanley Park? Learn how groups like Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) and the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver (ISCMV) are working to preserve native biodiversity through environmental stewardship efforts, including invasive removal.

Join special guest Tasha Murray, of the ISCMV, to identify various native and invasive plant species found in the park and across Metro Vancouver. Jeannine Johnstone, SPES Stewardship Coordinator, will share habitat restoration activities happening around Stanley Park. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and learn about ways to get involved in habitat restoration projects in Stanley Park and throughout Metro Vancouver.
Photo: Greg Hart
*Tickets must be purchased in advance. Fees for this program are based on a sliding scale – you choose what you pay! Your contributions help us bring you more online programs like this one!
**Only one ticket required per household.
***If this event fills to capacity, members of Stanley Park Ecology Society will be given first priority to any tickets that open up due to cancellations.
Time: July 14, 2020 || 5pm – 6:30pm
Price: $5 (members of SPES) || $10-20 (non-members)



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