Maths/Sciences/Computer Science Tutor (Remote)


Location : West Broadway, Vancouver, BC

I graduated from the McGill University with a bachelor and Biology and Computer Science with honours. I enjoy tutoring and I think learning maths and sciences can be made fun and enjoyable. It brings me lots of joy to see my students succeed in their academic pursuits.
My approach to tutoring is probably different from what you have experienced in the past. I set specific goals with my students and we work to accomplish them, this means some weeks we have to work a bit more, and others a bit less. This also means that the student will have to do work on their own outside of our time together. My students are encouraged to set big picture goals, not just a grade they want to achieve but a university they want to get into. This way I know how much to push my students and what they must learn.
Every student has different strengths and weaknesses but I know that anyone can be academically successful! Past students I have worked with have later attended universities such as University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, McGill, UC Berkeley and NYU. In my years of experience I’ve noticed the biggest differentiator from the top students and average students is the preparation before hand and not a “natural ability”. I’m here to help you be the best you can be.
I have a flexible schedule. I also support my students outside of our seasons through email/messenger with questions. I try to find teaching methods that work best for my specific student.
Hourly rate $30-$45.

Some university classes I’ve taken:
Probability, Machine Learning, Computer Algorithms, Database Systems (SQL), Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Calculus 1,2,3, Mechanics and Waves, Electromagnetism and Optics, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Organismal Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology and Evolution



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