
Location : Vancouver, BC V5R 2W7


If you are in the Dt Vancouver/Burnaby/New Westminster/North Vancouver/Richmond/Surrey area . Elderly , disabled or in need of help and therefore unable to go out and shop for the essentials please send me an email describing your situation. Me and my husband are currently laid off work at this time and would love to give back to the community any way we can. We both would be happy to help out, free of charge, in these difficult times.

I am unable to pay for whatever it is that you need but I am happy to pick it up for you ! Or maybe you just need someone to talk to. Me and my husband are both university teacher’s so we can also try to help with high school and potentially some university-level studies as well . Love to hear from you … 🙂

Mike & Vanessa



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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