Landscaping Services: Taking New Clients


Location : Delta, BC, Canada

For the spring and summer Green Stripes Landscaping is now offering our lawn Mowing and other services. Same day service and free quotes

Lawn mowing (Edge, mow, trim, Blow) starting $35
Tree Cutting/ Removal
Stump Grinding
Chipper Service
Hedge trimming
Weeding garden beds
Leaf/ Debris removal
Sod installation
Excavating (Any clearing, removal, bin dumping)
Junk Removal
Hauling away Compost, Sod, Bushes, Grass
Roofing (Re roof, Shingles)
Power Rake
Laying Soil
Pressure washing
Brush Clearing
Concrete Cutting
Retaining Wall
Odd Jobs

Call kelly or Jimmy

778-791-6797 (Kelly)
604-825-3420 (Jimmy)



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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