Garage Sale / moving sale /Furniture – Gotta go.


Location : Surrey, BC V3X 2N7

Moving whole house so lots of great stuff in good condition. Early viewing okay with appt (ir if covid sensitive)

Address – 13327 – 58B ave Surrey BC – Call Rob 604-307-6100

Pictures below are only a sample. We got power tools, mitre saw, drill press, air tools, creeper, air compressor (5gal) motorcycle jacket, suits (size 50), cherry dinning room set (8 chairs), maple bedroom set, kids bed, antique wardrobe, art / pictures, garden statue (boy and girl cherubs), wrought iron bench (heavy original) , Fender electric guitar, Ikea kids desk, Floor lamp, bookshelves etc etc.
Call or email with specifics if they are not listed or specific prices if wanting something special..

Prices are to move $20 to $75 except bedroom suite and dinning room set $1000 each



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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