Full Stack Mobile Developer (iOS- Swift, Objectiv-C, Android- Ja


Location : Vancouver, BC V6Z 1L8, Canada

Expert iOS,iPhone,iPad & Android(Expert in Swift, Objective-C, Java) from last 5 years.

I am experienced in Mobile Development(iOS & Android). I have working experience with Model View Controller (MVC). I have also designed and developed UI for all devices in android using Android Studio and iOS using x-code with auto-layout and auto resizing. I’m also providing training as a tutor(Online training in iOS), My area of expertise includes the following:

1. Programming skills: iOS Objective-C, Swift 2, 3, 4 and Earlier, Android.
2. Framework: Xcode, Android Studio, AutoLayout (Constraint), Auto Resizing, Cocoa Touch.
3. Social SDK Skills: FB, Google, Twitter, Insta, etc.
4. Payment SDK Skills: Braintree, Pay–pal, Stripe Payment, PayU Money.

5. Analytics SDKs Skills: Fabric, Branch, Google Ad Mobs, Google Map.
6. In-app purchase- Consumable, Non-consumable, Auto-Renewable.
7. Chatting SDK Skills: Firebase – Real Database, Firebase – Cloud Messaging, PTPusher Real-time chat.
8. Source control: Git, Bitbucket, Gitlab, SVN etc. When working on a new project, I like to speak to my clients so that I can have a clear understanding of their needs and vision of the Project. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I look forward to working with you soon.



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