Essay/Personal Statement Editing for Medical School/University


Location : Vancouver, BC, Canada

I’m an incoming medical student at a top 10 medical school in the US!

I applied to both US and Canadian medical schools. I received 11 interviews from US schools, and 5 from Canadian schools (UofT, UBC, Queens, Ottawa, McGill).

With extensive experience editing and proofreading university and medical school application essays, I’m happy to extend my services to help aspiring med students. Such services include:
– editing personal statements (with detailed explanations and suggestions) and secondaries
– editing activity descriptions/ABS sketch

Please email ( for rates! Payments will be through e transfer.

I will send you guides I’ve created to help you with: CASPer preparation, interview preparation (MMI, traditional one on one, MPI, panel), general advice on navigating the US/Canadian Med application process (tips on compiling school lists, applying as an international student, ways to help your app stand out)

Email if interested:



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