Easy Moves Available in Metro Vancouver


Location : v6g 1s8, Canada

Reliable, friendly, and efficient service
1 and 3 Ton Trucks Equipped with Ramp
Moving blankets, Shrink wrap, dollies, boxes, packing.
-Residential or Commercial
-Local and Long Distance
-Furniture disassembly and assembly
-Delivery service
-Removal of unwanted furniture
-Bonded, Licensed and Insured
-Heavy duty moving box rentals
20 boxes for 7days just $70
(includes delivery and pickup)
-(Covid19 plan: our crew wearing masks, gloves and following social distancing rules with customers and crew members)

Affordable and competitive rates:
 JUST $75/hour for 2 men with truck
 JUST $90/hour for 3 men with truck
 Minimum charge 2 hours.
Please call: 778-317-8484
E-mail: easymovescompany@gmail.com



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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