Driving lessons from ICBC licensed driving school instructor



Location : 2200 Douglas Road, Burnaby, BC

Call or text: 778-823-0806 (Chun Wei Lin,DL# 7880899, ICBC licensed driving instructor)
Email: qq2china@163.com

Lin has over 15 years of full-time ICBC licensed driving instructor experiences in Greater Vancouver. Brand new 2020 Toyota corolla dual-control driving school car with backing camera and blind spot monitoring is used.Welcome to contact for further. Thanks.

Driving lessons and road test service rates (5% off for a package of 6 lessons, 10% off for a package of 12+ lessons):

1. two hour lesson: 85$
2. one and half hour lesson: 70$
3. road test service: 120$ with one hour ahead to pickup.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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