Cheap drafting services. I have a diploma in AutoCAD/drafting, and I can do most of the services an expensive architectural office offers…I’m just not a registered/legal architect with a business that can put a stamp of legal approval on drawings. So/meaning, if you have a project that requires a registered/professional stamp of approval on it before you could submit the drawings to a city to get a permit, etc…you could still have me do ALL the initial drafting work, where you would save a TON of money by having me do it and not an expensive architect’s office…and then you would just have to take my completed drawings to a proper architectural office, where you would pay them a fee to get them reviewed and approved/stamped. But you’ll end up paying the architects office WAY less then if you had had them do ALL of that initial drafting, right.
A 3-year Ontario college advanced diploma in Architectural Technology
Architectural drafting
Structural Engineering type drawings
Interior design type drawings
AutoCAD 3D modeling and rendering
Estimating: Completed material quantities reports (complex multi-tab Excel spreadsheets) to calculate the quantities of materials needed, to then be able to estimate the price of a proposed skatepark design
Measuring buildings existing buildings and converting those notes into AutoCAD.
Used Google Maps and SketchUp to create high-quality image files of 3D site plans for clients to see how proposed buildings would look, when placed on an existing site
Recently completed a building permit application package and skatepark construction drawings for the new ownership and repurposing of an existing 1-storey 3,791 ft sq (interior) building into a multi-use building. Religious/church assembly, retail, coffee shop, and indoor skatepark. I designed and drafted the proposed floor plan and skatepark.
Full resume portfolio (includes my resume)