

Location : Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 0Z6, Canada

This pair is absolutely beautiful !
Both birds are super playful. Fly to your shoulders, kiss you on ears, eat from your food, respond to sounds and chitchat or keep quiet when you shh
Lived with me in my room for over 2 years. Gave birth to over 20 babies. Besides the profit the pair is definite for great bonding if you are a bird person.
I wouldnt be selling if I was not travelling for work. Im not in a rush to sell but looking for the right home for these bad boys.
Asking for $350
– lovebird pair
– bird cage (super easy to clean)
– toys, perches, food tray, water holder, bathing bowl
– breeding box
Feel free to ask any questions.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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