Custom chopper bobber motorcycle



Location : Surrey, BC V3W 6Y6






Crazy custom built chopper bobber motorcycle for sale. So much money invested, so many expensive parts, I’m losing so much money on it.

– custom made twisted springer front end

– custom made single side swingarm with reverse offset spoke lace wheel (first one ever made I think) 240 rear tire

– 98” custom built pan/shovel motor with std heads

– custom chromed drill down tube

– candy red paint job

– Indian Larry clutch cover

– West coast choppers points cover

– crime scene choppers headlight and tail light

– custom made clear oil tank

Bike is about 90% done, just wiring left. It’s sitting at suicidal cycles, talk to Jason he will tell you all the details. I probably have 60k invested in it but no desire to finish it.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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