CLEANING SERVICES $25/hr CALL 306-501-9156


Location : Langley City, BC V3A 4B3, Canada

Complete cleaning services includes vacuuming, dusting, washing floors, treating floors upon request, kitchen & appliances polished (includes cleaning behind & under appliances that are on wheels), bathrooms deep cleaned top to bottom, furniture polished/vacuumed under and behind, inside windows, blinds, picture frames, staircases & railings, laundry rooms, entrances, doors, baseboards, spot wash walls hand and stuff marks removed, light fixtures, garbage removal electronic equipment . Or will complete a list you have put together. References available. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly arrangements.. Using your supplies and equipment. $25/hr cash, cheque, transfer accepted. Receipts available. For more information or to find out about availabliity contact Jody at 306-501-9156. (call or text).



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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