Beautiful Holland Lop Bunnies Seeking Loving Human



Location : Langley, BC V3A 3Y5

These cuties were born April 28th.
Sire is 3.1 lbs
Dam is 3.0 lbs
Both parents are very friendly.

The babies have been handled since 10 days of age by myself and 3 weeks of age by my toddler (under supervision)

They are eating pellets and Timothy hay.
They’ll be rehomed with some Timothy hay and a care sheet.

I have 2 that look to be boys:
Blue Charlie (white with blue markings)
Broken Blue Tort (the one with brown and grey) ON HOLD

I also have 2 girls, both are black and white. BOTH REHOMED

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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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