Adorable baby male Chinchilla! Lovely pet!



Location : Vancouver, BC V6E1W6

We have two very adorable baby Chinchillas available to good homes. They are both boys and can go together or separately. They are very healthy and tame. Chinchillas make really fun pets. They are very entertaining as they bounce around. Their care is simple and they eat chinchilla pellets and Timothy hay. They don’t have an odour and are very quiet so ideal for apartments.
Chinchillas don’t take regular baths, they take sand baths. It’s absolutely adorable to watch. This keeps them clean and healthy.
Each baby will come with a safe carrying box, a bubble toy and a small baggy of food
Chinchillas aren’t easy to come by these days.
Boy #1
Boy #2
He is a beautiful ebony grey $250



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