62nd Ave and Main St Newly Renovated Room (female only)



Location : E 62nd Ave, Vancouver, BC V5X 2E8, Canada

–    Two newly renovated single bedrooms upstairs, for female only.
–    Monthly rents are $400/$650, respectively. Could rent separately or together.
–    The house is on a quiet street, 15 minutes walk to Langara College, 3 minutes walk to No.3 bus stop. Close to Superstore, Best Buy, Cineplex and Skytrain station (10 to 15 minutes walk).
–    The house is clean and bright. The public area of the house (e.g. washrooms, kitchen, dining room) is cleaned regularly by hired cleaner.
–    The rent includes all utility expenses, high-speed internet, washer and dryer, new furniture (add/reduce furniture as needed).
–    Move in any time.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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