20mm double thickness naniwa superstone 3000 grit whetstone



Location : Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC

I bought new on April 27 2020. It is like new, still 20.5mm as in the photo. I’m selling because I want to try other stones in this range, namely Morihei Hishiboshi 4k. Previously I had chosera 3k and I sold it after forming cracks. Superstone is using a different binding material so it won’t develop cracks.

This one is 20mm thick. Usually you find superstone series in 10mm thickness.

Like new. I only used for less than an hour in total as you can tell from thickess in the photo.

It is a very slow wearing stone, cuts very fast, you see black swarf instantly. It doesn’t produce slurry, you can raise with a diamond plate etc if you want. It loads up but one pass with diamond plate and super clear again.

About the finish, in my experience it gives a mirror polish, so I think it is more like 5k. But if you spend less time you can get lower grit finish. If you want to get mirror polish you need to apply consistent scratch patterns, so I’d recommend polishing 1cm section of a blade at a time, like how Japanese natural stones are commonly used. This is a synthethic stone of course.

Flattened top side. Ready to go.



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