
Location : Garabaldi Highlands, Squamish V8B1A1 BC

1 bedroom with separate bathroom & balcony.
Shared living in a newly renovated 2 bedroom with a health conscious and active couple with an Australian Shepard. Washer and Dryer in unit & new appliances. $950+ utilities (split 3 ways) underground parking $60/month or side street maybe optional. Looking for a quiet, clean and roommate (no couples please due to limited space, but welcome to bring people over). Private bathroom has own shower and bedroom has good natural light! Trails right outside the complex, great for bikers. No smoking, no pets (just because we can’t have anymore in the unit) and please no one that works from home. Available Sep 15th or Oct 1st.



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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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