Wanted: Lost Key in Mount Pleasant area (Vancouver)


Location : Vancouver, BC V5T 2R4

On August 21st, 2020 I lost my keys in the evening between 7pm-8pm within the blocks of east 15th (just off Kingsway), Robson Park, Carolina st, East 13th, East 10th or 11th (between Carolina & Fraser), Sahalli Park, East 7th (towards St. George st), St. George st to Kingsway. The keys could be anywhere along those streets/parks.

Keys Description:
Small chocolate brown leather tag with embossed “BRAVE SOLES” written on the tag
– There are 6 keys in total on the ring – various sizes, some brass some silver
– One small round black fob

I retraced my steps immediately as soon as I discovered they were missing, have not been able to locate them.

If found please call show contact info

Thank you!
$100 cash reward



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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