William Garnet Hazard (Canadian, 1903-1987), Watercolor on Paper


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Location : Vancouver, BC V6A 4G6

William Garnet Hazard (Canadian, 1903-1987), Watercolor on Paper Landscape
William Garnet Hazard was born in 1903 in Wallaceburg, Ontario, but he grew up on a farm in rural Saskatchewan. He took art classes in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, before earning his teacher’s certificate there at Moose Jaw Teachers’ College. He taught at schools in rural Saskatchewan before mvoing to the United States to pursue his art studies. Hazard attended the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, studying with Carl Werntz (1924) and the American Academy of fine Arts (Chicago, 1925), studying with Harry Timmins. He later attended the Phoenix Arts Institute in New York City, where he studied with Franklin Booth and Thomas Fogarty.

Hazard returned to Saskatchewan, settling in Regina to serve as Director of Art Education at Regina Technical School (later Balfour Technical Collegiate), a position he held from 1928 to 1939 and where one of his students was the now-distinguished stained glass artist Mary Filer. Hazard later worked as a lecturer for the Navy League of Canada (1942-1945) and for thirteen years as an instructor at the Carnegie Institute in Chicago (1955-1968).

Hazard enjoyed seeing other parts of the world and as a young man did extensive traveling on a tramp steamer, an experience that he later drew on in his paintings and drawings. His work has been exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions. Of his work, Hazard said, “…If my art enables others to appreciate the natural beauty of Canada and the other countries I have visited, then my life has not been a waste.”

Hazard lived in Owen Sound and Fallbrook, Ontario, before settling in Perth, Ontario, where he was represented by Avis Gallery.

Garnet Hazard died in Perth, Ontario, in 1987.



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