Lexa Sterilizer by W&H – Autoclave – Steam Sterilizer


Location : Vancouver, BC V5Z 2M9

After a sterilization cycle, does your autoclave automatically open the door to air dry your newly sterilized instruments? Are you still air drying your instruments on a towel on the counter and risk aerosol contamination?

How about try the next generation autoclave/ steam sterilizer that uses a closed door vacuum assisted drying system that produces bone dry loads. There are also no monthly cleaning cycles that needs to be run unlike other autoclaves.

Have your staff demo the Lexa Sterilizer now. For more information, contact us at: Info@MEDeru.ca

Lexa Sterilizer features:
 Patented dynamic pulsed air removal, closed door vacuum assisted drying
 Single use water management
 Auto water draining system
 8 kg (18 lbs) sterilized and dried in 30 minutes
 Wi-Fi and Ethernet ports
 Automatic data saving on USB memory stick or Remote Data Saving on PC or Mac
 Sterilizer mobile app

MEDeru Canada Inc. is an authorized distributor of the Lexa Sterilizer by W&H.



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